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SMS config

 Information to set up SMS messaging using a default provider.

1:  Create an account for one of the the following three providers; BulkSMS (https://www.bulksms.com/), TextAnywhere (https://www.textanywhere.net/) or LatTelecom (http://smsmarketing.bpo.lv/)

2:  Set up a new com channel and configure it as in the picture below.


    Please note that nominally the only change between providers should be Name, format selection, User Name and Password.

    But it's possible that the port may differ depending on the individual agreement with the provider.

3:  Roster revision SMS is configured in automation as below. (note that a template needs to be added as well)

    Receivers are configured by selecting the phone type messages are to be sent to as default (usually a mobile communication type).




4:  Roster Publish messages are set up the same way but uses a different trigger event (and usually a different message template).


By default there is an SMS curfew in the Sleipner config file 2200-0800, this can be overruled by the setup setting 'SMSCurfew' where you can define during what hours in UTC no SMS should be sent, but put on hold. 

Please note that we do not develop new interfaces to other providers as a general rule as each one takes resources to maintain.

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