There are 4 properties related to Codeshare and they are set in User Preferences.
Refer to: User Preferences for additional information and set-up /configuration.
Go to User Preferences and select LegInfo and/or LegScheduleInfo.
This will display a comma separated text for all the Code Share Flight Identifiers, e.g. BA7112,BM4321.
This can be set in the Preferences for the LegInfo or LegScheduleInfo, to show Code shares on the puck
(flight leg) in the Gantt.
This will display a list of Flight Identifiers which can be used to filter legs by the code share flight identifiers.
This will display a list of Prefix (IATA) Codes, which can be used to filter legs by the code share prefix (IATA) code.
This will return a list of OpNUmbers, which can be used to filter legs by the codeshare OpNumber.
- Go to Leg Filters to set up this filtered view.
- Select your own Codeshare flight on a selected leg filter and create a parameter.
- Select the range of codeshare flight numbers or only single digits.
Example: When OpNumber is used within a range, it will result in: