Click this icon to enter the Station Taxi Times screen:
Station Taxi Time is set to 10 minutes in and out by default. This grid allows you to define other times through the settings and Aircraft Filters, such as:
- different times for in or out
- different times due to seasons
- days
- time
- aircraft types.
Field | Description |
Stations | You should have a Default entry for ALL stations. For settings for a specific station, choose that from the list. The stations available are the Active Stations from Stations. |
Aircraft filters | The default filter should cover all aircraft. To have specific times for specific types of aircraft, choose that filter and these taxi times will only apply to these flights. |
Valid from/to | This is the period the Station Taxi times are valid for. |
Start/End time | You can create different taxi times throughout the day. You should ensure that you don't have overlapping times for the same kind of filter. |
Frequency | This represents the days of the week the station taxi times are valid. |
Taxi Time | The minutes for the taxi time. |
Direction | You can select IN/OUT/BOTH. If there is a difference between In and Out, you need to make two separate inputs. |
Priority | Priority 1 should be the rule with the least restrictions. |