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Open Time



In this topic, you will learn how to pick up open positions that are not covered by other crewmembers (volunteering to perform duties) and also how to drop duties. 

We estimate that this will take 4 minutes to complete.


Detailed Explanation

Picking up duty

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Interaction 1 Click the Menu button.

Interaction 2 Click the Open time button.

You can access Open time through the Human Resource tab. 

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Interaction 1 Click the Daily OT tab.

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Interaction 1 Click the first Mon 15 APR check box.

You can choose which of these duties you want to pick up. You can expand any of the rows to see the details. 

For the purpose of this demonstration, let's imagine that you are free on the dates around Monday, April 15th and are interested in picking up extra duties then.  

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Interaction 1 Click the Pickup button.

You can now see the details of what these duties entail.  

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Interaction 1 Click the OK button.

A green and yellow rectangle with a circle

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When you pick up a duty, it confirms in green.

Dropping duty

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Interaction 1 Click the Current roster tab.

Let's now drop a duty to Open time for other people to pick up. 

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Interaction 1 Click the SUN 31 MAR check box.

Let's imagine that you don't want to do your duty on Sunday, March 31st and want to drop it.

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Interaction 1 Click the Drop button.

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Interaction 1 Click the OK button.

A red and yellow rectangular object with white text

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In this scenario, you received an error message. This indicates that you cannot drop the duties back into Open time as there is not enough reserve amongst the crewmembers to cover it.


Net Reserves

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Interaction 1 Click the Net tab.

Let's now take a look at how you view the amount of reserve on the rostered period.  

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The net reserve quota for all of the dates in the period are shown. When the net reserves are in the following colors, they indicate:

  • Green - indicates that there are sufficient people on reserve
  • Red - there are insufficient people on reserve and nothing can be dropped back to OpenTime on these dates. This is when you should use the trade features in N-OC.  


Congratulations! You have successfully navigated the OpenTime feature.


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