To find the Setup Parameters, click this tab/icon:
Display format
Many of the settings use legality calculators and when they display in N-OC the default PC settings are used.
It is possible to override the default setting by clicking on the box shown below and entering the format that you want to use for the calculator.
Name | Value | Group | Info |
3ACustomerKey | key number | Key for 3A access. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
ACARSFuelUnit | kgs/liters/tons/lbs/gallons | Fuel unit for ACARS messages. Fuel unit multiplier is used to multiply the input from ACARS. Options are: Kgs, Litres, Tons, Lbs, Gallon. Note: Default is Kgs, but you need to save the selection. |
Fuel unit multiplier:
Name | Value | Group | Info |
ACARSSettings | Select from the dropdown, toggle. | Defines ACARS mode for searching flights. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
ACCValuesInsertAllowedByCrew | True/False | HRE | Allow crew to insert specified initial accumulated values. Example: BLH,Duty. Illness, etc. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
ActivitiesIgnoredBySwap | Select from the dropdown. | Filter for Roster Activities for Crew Swapping. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
ActivitiesNotAllowedToSwap | Select from the dropdown. | HRE | Filter for Roster Activities for Crew Swapping. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
ActivitySlotCreationFilter | None | SCH | Filter for creation of slots. Example: A filter for only allowing a certain airline prefix. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
ActivityValuesLegalityLabelsForRosterBlockActs | Select and drag | HRE | Configure legality labels used to calculate activity values for roster blocks. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
ActivityValuesLegalityLabelsForRosterBlocks | Select and drag | HRE | Configure legality labels used to calculate activity values for roster blocks. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
AdvancedVehicleName | e.g. OwnerPrfxShortCode,'-', VersionShortCode,' (',VehicleTypeString,') ', Registration | VEH | Defines how vehicles are displayed on Gantt. Can contain properties of vehicle, own strings wrapped by single quotation i.e.: '[own string]'. Additionally, users can use custom methods that deliver any string. Currently one can use: GetVehicleBaseStationName - returns station specified in base vehicle is assigned to. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
AllowASMDeleteCNLNonStandard | True/False | SCH | When you delete a canceled flight an ASM CNL is sent with the possibility to add ASM Reason Code. Non-IATA standard. Note: If true, the delete button is not available until the flight is canceled. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
AllowASMSSMImport | True/False | SCH | Control if Sleipner should import ASM or SSM messages into the system. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
AllowCheckinsBeforeAllActivities | True/False | CRE | Allow users to check-in before every flight activity, even if there is no check-in in the roster. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
AllowCrewViewUnPubCarryOurPairingActs | False/True | HRE | Allow crew to view and carry out unpublished activities in pairing that starts in the published period. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
Allowed characters | Characters | SYS | This parameter controls what characters are allowed to be used for name, email and phone numbers. It uses the regex, formatting rules. Example [a-zA-Z]{3,30}:
For details about regular expressions go to the web. e.g. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
AllowedCrewFilter | Select and drag | Crew filter that allows the user to filter out shown crew in N-OC Mobile Setup page. | |
AllowedCrewLabels | Select and drag | Displays which rules labels crew are allowed to view. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
AllowedHRLogTypesForCrew | Toggle | HRE | Set which HRLogs types that crew are allowed to view. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
AllowedIncomingMessagePeriod | Hours before, Hours after | Hours before and after current time. Sleipner only processes incoming messages for flights in this period. Empty field disables the setting. | |
AllowedRequestTypes | Day Off, Flight, Station, Time Off, Shift | Allowed Request Types. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
AllowedSleipnerUsers | Select and drag | This parameter controls Sleipner login in Cloud, Earth, Fire, and the API. When starting the Sleipner application, you should be prompted with a drop-down list of possible Sleipner users. No password is needed. Note: Users that are not selected get an error message advising Sleipner user is not allowed. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
AllowedTradeActFilter | Roster Filters | HRE | Activities that are allowed to trade. |
AllowLateCIOnRefActivity | True/False | If set to true crew/agents can check in after starting on ref activities that have check in. Note: This only applies to Check In. | |
AllowRoundtrip | True/False | Option to turn the roundtrip on and off. | |
AllowViewEachOtherRoster | No, All, selected, by base, Department | When the Department is selected, then only agents in the same department can view each other's roster. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
ASMAdditionalValues | FlightDateWithYear RegistrationNonStandard (not in use) Registration FOD (FOD add Flight Origin Date YYMMDD) SIFlightDate SIChangeOfRouting SIRoundtrip CnlAllCityPairsNonStandard EqtAllCityPairsNonStandard | Defines additional values for exported ASM messages. |
Available | Selected |
ASM | |
UTC | |
27FEB00001E001 | |
NEW | |
PD7025/01MAR19 | FlightDateWithYear |
J DH4 DH4 C-GLQB | Registration |
YUL1840 AHN1940 | |
SI FOD190301 | FOD Flight Origin Date |
SI FLT DTE 01MAR19 | SIFlightDate |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
AssignedCrewDisplay | RankShortCode1, ': ', EmpNo,''/'', RosterDesignators | N/A | |
AssignedCrewDisplayForRosterBlock | AssignedRank,': ', FullName,' (',ShortCode1,'')' | Defines crew display for roster block tooltip. Supported fields are:
Name | Value | Group | Info |
AutoCalculatePayrolls | True/False | Enable auto recalculation of payrolls. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
AutomationExportsPayrollCodesTemplates | Toggle | Determines automation templates where payroll codes list is enabled. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
BreakLengthForMyRequestsInMobile | Minutes | Break length in minutes for shifts. | |
CacheOutboundMessages | True/False | If messages should be cached instead of instantly transmitted. | |
CalculatorsShownInCrewLabelsInMobile | Add / Delete, select | Defines calculator names and calculator display names which should be shown in My Roster in N-OC Mobile. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CalculatorsShownInMyPayrollDetailsInMobile | Add / Delete, select | Defines calculator names and calculator display names which should be shown in details of My Payroll in N-OC Mobile. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CalculatorsShownInMyPayrollHeadersInMobile | Add / Delete, select | Defines calculator names and calculator display names which should be shown in the header of My Payroll in N-OC Mobile. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CalculatorsShownInMyPayrollTotalsInMobile | Add / Delete, select | Defines calculator names and calculator display names which should be shown in totals of My Payroll in N-OC Mobile. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CalculatorsShownInMyRequestsInMobile | Add / Delete, select | Defines calculator names and calculator display names which should be shown in 'My Requests in N-OC Mobile. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CalculatorsShownInMyRosterDailyValues | Add / Delete, select | Defines calculator names and calculator display names which should be shown in the daily view in My Roster. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CalculatorsShownInMyRosterReport | Add / Delete, select | Defines calculator names and calculator display names which should be shown in the roster report in My Roster. Please note that the report area is limited, check that your selected calculators will fit | |
CalenderOrder | Value (dmy) | CAL | Used in many places where controls for date are used. Defines "year, month, day" order and format in calendar textboxes. These are the options:
CallMeFirstLast | Human Resource Filters | Crew filter that allows crew to choose to call me first/last. If empty it will not be used. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CargoWeightUnitForPPSMessage | Pounds/Kilograms | SCH | Set which upload function the PPS web service should use:
CateringTwoServingsCalculation | 11,1|53,2 | ||
CateringTwoServingsFilter | Set the Leg Filter ID in this field. | ||
CheckInCompensationHRFilter | Human Resource Filters | Defines HR filter for which Human Resource should be checked in case of late check ins. Note: Used in Gecko import. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CheckInCompensationRefActivityId | Reference Activities | Used in Gecko import. Specifies reference activity which should be used to create special compensation activities. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CheckInCompensationThresholdInMinutes | Minutes | Threshold defining how many minutes counts as being late. Note: Used in Gecko import. | |
CheckInDistanceFromStation | Meters | Maximum distance from check-in station in meters. Note: CheckInUsePositionData must be enabled. | |
CheckinEnd | Minutes | This parameter allows you to have a CheckIn span between CheckInStart and CheckInEnd. Example: Check in has to end xx minutes before best check in date time (0=ignore/turn off). | |
CheckInEndTimeDays | Numbers | CRE | CheckInEndTimeDays. |
CheckinEndType | Next checkIn, Next Homebase, DutyEnd | CRE |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CheckinStart | Minutes | CRE | CheckIn can be done xx minutes before Departure. |
CheckInUsePositionData | True/False | Crew must have a GPS enabled device to check in. | |
CheckOutCompensationHRFilter | Human Resource Filters | Defines HR filter which human resource should be checked in case of early check outs. Note: Used in Gecko import. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CheckOutCompensationThresholdInMinutes | Minutes | Threshold defining how many minutes counts as leaving too early. Note: Used in Gecko import. | |
CheckOutEndTimeMin | Minutes | e.g. 120 mins, 30 mins. | |
CheckOutEndType | Next CheckOut, Next Homebase, Duty End | ||
CheckOutStart | Minutes | e.g. 120 mins, 30 mins. | |
cIndividualPayrollReportAdditionalColumns | PayCreditsPerDay | Additional payroll columns for Individual Payroll Report. | |
CloudTaskListAutoRefreshCheckPeriodInSeconds | Seconds | How often the task list checks for new violations. Default is set for both as 20 seconds. | |
CnlMsgNoteType | Note Types (select from the dropdown) | Note type that is used for comment added in Supplementary Information in Ad-hoc CNL messages. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CompanyLogo | Location of logo.png | CMP | N/A |
CompanyReportsPath | e.g. C:\temp\ | REP | Path to where reports are saved. |
CompanyTypeAirlines | Hotel, Maintenance, Airline, Fuel, Training | Defines which company type is treated in the system as an airline. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
ConsolidatedHotelBookingsEnabled | True/False | Specifies whether Hotel Wizard should consolidate hotel bookings. | |
CrewCabinDistributionGroups | Toggle | You set up the Distribution groups in the User Groups- Distribution Groups. Note: Distribution groups are used in Voyage reports. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CrewFlowTimeSpan | Minutes | SCH | The minutes of the timespan in crewflow dialogue. Note: 999 minutes max. |
CrewForceDialogue | None, Revision, CheckIn, Roster, Company Documents | CRE | The parameters control what the crew are forced to do in MyRoster before they can continue to the roster. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CrewGroup | UserGroup e.g. Crew | Defines which user group a crew member belongs to. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CrewImagePath | Path: +[*HRESID*].png | HRE | Location where Crew images are stored. |
CrewonBoardPublish | False/True | CRE | Shows published roster on crew onboard. |
CrewOnBoardSortOrder | Define Crew Sort order. Will affect sort order in info dialog | Defines crew sort order. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CrewPayrollTransactions | Select and drag | Defines payroll transaction codes visible for users. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CrewSearchInFilteredOnly | False/True | Controls whether the HR Filter chosen in the crew Gantt is applied in the Move dialogue by default or not. | |
CrewSwapsAllowedNumber | Number | HRE | Number of Crew Swaps allowed in the period specified in: CrewSwapsNumberOfDaysFromToday. |
CrewSwapsNumberOfDaysFromToday | Number | Number of days Crew Swaps are allowed. Sets a limit before which you cannot swap. Example: If the setting is set to five, you should only be able to swap duties five or six days from today and onwards. | |
CrewToShow | Select from the dropdown | SCH | Defines crew that are shown for legs. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
CrewVacationSwapsNumberOfDaysFromToday | Number | Number of days Crew Swaps are allowed. Sets a limit before which you cannot swap. Example: If the setting is set to five, you should only be able to swap duties five or six days from today and onwards. | |
CrewVacationSwapsNumberOMonths | Number | Number of month Crew Swaps are allowed. Sets a limit before which you cannot swap. Example: If the setting is set to five, you should only be able to swap duties five or six months from today and onwards. | |
DayOffPayrollTransactionExportPeriodInMonths | Number | Defines the period for day off payroll export by setting the number of months. | |
DaysOffPayrollTransactionCodes | Payroll Transaction Codes | Defines payroll transaction codes used by Austrian Days Off export (customized). | |
DefaultBriefTime | Time HHMM | Sets the default time for when revisions are sent. | |
DefaultContinuationLegMessage | ASM, Delay | Select the default value for what additional message to send when returning or diverting legs. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
DefaultDeadheadAirline | Company | Type Airline. Default is the System airline. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
DefaultEmailSender | If the setting UseDefaultEmailSender is set to TRUE, Sleipner sends all outgoing emails from the "DefaultEmailSender" address and not the user email address (who did the change). | ||
DefaultEmailSlotSender | Default sender email for outgoing Slot messages. Note: If empty, it is disabled. | ||
DefaultEstimatedActualValue | Toggle | Select the default actual or estimated value for a specific field. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
DefaultFuelDensity | kg/m3 or kg/l | Choose what default fuel density unit to use in the system and optionally what default density value to use. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
DefaultRosterReleaseReportOutputFolder | Location | Default roster release report output folder. | |
DefaultSMSSender | Country code prefix (number) | Default SMS sender to use if no sms number is provided. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
DefaultTypeBSender | SITA Address | Default SITA send Address to use if no Sita Originator is provided. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
DefaultUserGroup | User groups | Specifies default group for new user. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
DelayCodeDefinition | False/True Note: See example below. | Shows the delay reason definition after code in the tool tip. This setting shows the delay code, then the text of delay code, then times. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
DelayCodeFormatIATA | False/True | Delay code format used in MVT. Options are True and False:
Name | Value | Group | Info |
DelayNoteType | Select from the dropdown | SYS | Add Leg Note when ACARS DLA message is received. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
DemandsDefaultPaxLoadValue | Number | Default is the number of pax when calculating demands (if everything is missing). | |
DemandsDefaultPaxLoadValuesByCompartment | e.g. F=5|C=10|Y=120 | Default number of pax per compartment (in compartment=value|comp2=value2 format). |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
DemandsForecastRules | e.g. DemandsForecastRules | Name of pax-load filter group that is used when calculating demands and fetching forecast data. | |
DemandsHistoricalRules | e.g. DemandsHistoricalRules | Name of pax-load filter group that is used when calculating demands and fetching historical data. | |
DemandsPaxLoadBasedDemandDefaultName | Value | Default demand name when calculating pax-load based demands. | |
DemandsPaxLoadBasedDemandDefault QualificationShort | Letters, shortcode | DemandsPaxLoadBasedDemandDefault QualificationShort | |
DetailedCOBcontactInfo | Phone, Email | Define if crewmembers phone number or email is shown in Crew on board info tab (COB) in gantt. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
DisplayActiveCrewInRosterActivityTooltip | False/True | Show assigned crew in tooltips on roster activities. | |
DisplayCrewName | EmpNo, Last Name | Determines how crew are displayed on UI. WARNING: Display on Crew Gantt
Name | Value | Group | Info |
DisplayCrewNamesOnReferenceActivity | 757, dummyvalue1, dummyvalue2 | This option displays the names of crew with the same activity. You can enter multiple reference activities separated with commas. Note: The activity must have the same start and end time. Example: Reference Activity short codes which show crew with same activity in MyRoster. The short codes should be comma separated: HTL, SIM. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
DIVAdditionalValues | FLD,FOD,DUP | Defines additional values for exported DIV messages. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
DragAndDropRoundingTime | False/True | If the user drops the selected legs for the delay on a time that is not ending with zero or five, the time gets rounded up to the nearest zero or five. One to two minutes rounds to zero whereas three to four minutes rounds to five. Example: If the user drops the flight on 5:22 and the set is True, the user is presented with the popup dialogue with 5:20. Example: If the user drops the flight on 5:23 and the set is True, the user is presented with the popup dialogue with 5:25. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
DragAndDropScheduleGantt | Toggle | Enable drag and drop for Delay and/or Move Swap. |
If both options are selected, you have to select Move/Delay from the Icon in the to menu.
inMove or Swap
Mark the flights you want to Move/Swap, and drag it down to the destination aircraft.
Mark the flight(s) and drag to the right,
a dialog opens and allows you to enter Delay reason.
Name | Value | Group | Info |
EarthTaskListAutoRefreshCheckPeriodInSeconds | Seconds | How often the task list should check for new violations. Default for both is set for 20 seconds. | |
EmailReceiversOnComChannelFailiure | Add emails for receivers of Com Channel failures. Separate emails with ";" . | ||
EmailReceiversOnImportFailure | Email receivers for Import failures. | ||
EmailReceiversOnRaidoAPIFailure | Email receivers for N-OC API failures. | ||
EmailSenderDisplayName | Value | SYS | Specifies email originator. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
EmailValidationExpression | ^\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$ | This option allows you to control the email syntax. Note: For further details see setup parameter Allowed Characters. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
EnabledCrewNotes | Note type | Determines which types of notes should display for crew. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
EnableManualDutyStartEnd | False/True | Enables manual duty start/end on activity edit dialog. | |
EnablePublicHolidayCompensationService | False/True | HRE | Enables Public Holiday Compensation Service. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
EnableRndInQueryString | False/True | Set to True if the web servers should serve unique pages that cannot be cached. This sets a random number on each request. | |
EnableRosterClaims | False/True | Enables claims in roster gantt. | |
EstimatedBlockOffTimeIATA | False/True | Is estimated departure according to IATA standard (TRUE) or not (FALSE). | |
eVRDisplayMethod | BasToBase, DutyStartDutyEnd | HRE | Enables manual duty start/end on activity edit dialog. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
ExternalFleetTrackerSettings | Select from the dropdown | SCH | URL and dynamic data that is added to the URL. This option links to e.g. flight radar. Refer to Fleettrack. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
FAAStatusColors | Click & select | Sets colors for FAA statuses visible in Gantt. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
FilesAllowedExtension | JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, DOC, DOCS, PDF, XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX | Defines allowed document files extensions. | |
FilterPhCompActivity | Roster filter | REQ | Company reference activities that are Public Holiday Compensation requests. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
FirstDayOfWeek | 0-6 | SYS | Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, ... Saturday = 6 . |
FlightDuplicatesValidation | UTC, Local, Allow duplicate | Define if and how to validate flights to prevent duplicates. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
FlightDuplicatesValidationTimeBuffer | Minutes | TimeBuffer used when calculating flight number duplicates. | |
FuelCompanyTypes | Company Types | CMP | Fuel Company Types. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
FuelTypeInStationOperation | Select from the dropdown | SCH | A setup setting with a list of FuelTypes and LoadTypes that the user would save and the value should be displayed in Station Operations. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
GanttColors | Leg Color for new pairing Twin stations color Kin stations color | Default colors for certain Gantt elements. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
GanttDontCalculateBestTimes | False/True | Set to True if you do not want the system to try to calculate missing check in times automatically. Note: Warnings are still applied. | |
GIMsgNoteType | Select from the dropdown | SYS | Note type to use for notes collected from Gate information message. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
GoogleMapsAPIKey | Google key, Pay option from Google | The key is used to see the map in Fleettracker. | |
GroundTaskAssignmentMinimumDuration | Minutes | Sets what is the minimum time to assign a ground task (in minutes).
| |
GroupRevisionByHRDay | False/True |
| |
HiddenLegalExceptions | Roster Legal Exceptions | Represents what types of Legal Exceptions are hidden in Roster. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
HideCIForCrewOnActs | Reference Activities | Hide Check In and Check Out for Crew on Reference Activities. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
HideFinalColumnInFirePayroll | False/True | N/A | |
HidePayrollTransactionsHavingValue0 | False/True | Defines whether payroll transactions having value 0 are shown in My Payroll and in the export file. | |
HistoryVisibleForCrew | False/True | Specifies whether the crew should see transaction history in myRoster dialog. | |
HotelBookingConsolidationStatuses | Specifies the set of hotel booking statuses by which bookings are taken into account for consolidation. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
HotelCompanyTypes | Company Types | Hotel Company Types. | |
HotelConsolidationMaxBreakHours | Hours | Determines maximum gap (in hours) between end of preceding hotel activity and start of succeeding hotel activity, which allows the system to auto consolidate hotel bookings. | |
HotelPickupCompanyType | Company Types | CMP | Hotel Pickup Company Types. |
HR Consolidation Report - BLH legality label name | BLH | HRE | Displays the name of the legality label used for BLH calculation. |
HR Consolidation report - prolonged length | Days | HRE | Shows the prolonged length of IOE training in days. |
HR Consolidation report - standard length | Days | HRE | Displays standard length of IOE training in days. |
HR Consolidation report prolonged RD | Roster designator | HRE | Roster Designator that informs whether IOE training has been prolonged. |
HR consolidation report SR shortcodes | Specialrole | HRE | HR Consolidation Report special role shortcodes used in the report. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
HRDefaultSignature | Empno, HRShortcode1,HRShortcode2 | Default Signature display for Human resource. This parameter controls which crew identifier that is used as the default display. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
HRFiltersUsedForNetRserveQuotas | Human Resource Filters | Setting to define filters used for net reserves quotas. | |
HrLogTimeMode | UTC / Base | Defines how the date time is selected for HR Log when creating an entry for i.e. name property UTC or Base. | |
HRPliotCrewType | HR Types | CRE | Crew type = pilots |
HumanResourceImportOverwrite | False/True | Defines Human Resource import mode using Sleipner. | |
IATAMessageVehicleVersionValues | Toggle | Defines vehicle configuration parts for SSM/ASM messages. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
IATASiNoteType | Select from dropdown | SCH | IATA Supplementary Information Mgs NoteType. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
IATAVersionStringLayout | TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE | This parameter controls which version information is used in the SSIM and ASM/SSM. Example:
| |
IdentifyLegWithoutFullData | False/True | Allows identifying legs in MVT messages without prefix and suffix. | |
IgnoreAcarMesWithWrongReg | False/True |
| |
IncludeTimestampInTypeB | False/True |
| |
IndividualPayrollReportAdditionalColumns | PayCredits PerDay | Additional payroll columns for Individual Payroll Report. | |
IsCrewRecalculationEnabled | False/True | HRE | Triggers the recalculation of crew after HR related data change. |
IsPairingNameEditable | False/True | HRE | Are users able to modify pairing names? |
IsRevNoteMandatory | False/True |
| |
LanguageId | Languages | SYS | Add the name of the calculator defined in Rules, which provides the latest possible check date. This enables the option Show Latest Check Date in the Documents Report. |
LatestCheckinDocRptCalculatorName | Name | ||
LattThresholds | Numbers | SCH | LATT Dashboard thresholds |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
LdapUrlForUserStore | e.g. LDAP://DC=XXXair,DC=local | Active Directory LDAP User login needs to use Active Directory. | |
LegalityServiceBaseURL | URL | SYS | Legality service base URL. |
LegalityServiceConfiguration | Configuration | SYS | Legality service configuration. |
LegalityWarningsLoadType | Select from the dropdown. | HRE | Define how legality warnings are to show. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
LegalityWorkerLockDurationInSeconds | Seconds | Legality worker lock duration in seconds. | |
LoadMessageDefaultClass | Load Class | Default load class for erroneous LDM messages. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
LoadMessageMode | LDM, LDM/SLS, SLS | Determines load message type to send. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
LoadMsgNoteType | Note Type | LoadMsgNoteType. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
LongDate | ddMMMyy HH:mm | CAL | e.g. ddMMMyy HH:mm |
MaintenanceServiceCompanyTypeFilter | Company Types | Defines what types of companies can display in the maintenance service dialog combobox. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
MandatoryFields |
| Select fields in N-OC that are mandatory for users. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
MaxCrewLoad | Number, e.g. 20 | ||
MaxMailRecipients | Number | Determines limit of recipients for single email. | |
MessageTypesForMissingStationWarning | e.g. MVT, LDM | COM | Message types for missing station warnings. |
MinActivityLength | Minutes | Defines minimal activity length. Shorter activities creation must be confirmed by the user. | |
MinGanttSearchStringLength | Number | Minimal number of characters that have to be typed to trigger automatic search on gantt. | |
ModificationActionActivities | [{"Type":"replaceTxRt","Name":" Replace rest day functionality"}] | e.g [{"Type":"replaceTxRt","Name":"Replace rest day functionality"}] | |
MoveBasedOnAircraftInGI | Value | SYS | Defines if Gate information message should change tail assignment. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
MoveBasedOnAircraftInMVT | False/True. | SYS | Defines if MVT message should change tail assignment. Value 1 activates the function, and the flights are moved to the correct tail. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
MoveLegsAttributes | Toggle | Describes default values for checkboxes visible at Move legs window. |
Field | Description |
Adjust Schedule | Enables the Reasons dropdown list. |
Ad-Hoc | Changes the flight to an AdHoc flight. |
Adjust Manual complements | If the complement of the flight is changed manually, it changes to the default complement. |
Adjust Stations | In some dialogs this option is available, it corrects station conflicts. |
Split on version change | This option corrects version conflicts. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
MVTAdditionalValues | FLD, FOD, DUP, FB, PX, FR, RR | Defines additional values for exported MVT messages. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
MVTMsgNoteType | Company Types | Note type which will be used for comments added in Supplementary Information in MVT messages. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
MyContactDetailsSettings | HRE | Defines type of modification My Contact Details in Fire. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
MyRosterAdditionalTimeMode | UTC,Local, Crewbase | CRE | Additional time mode to display on MyRoster pages. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
MyRosterFilterOutCrewOnBoard | True / False | Specifies whether Crew On Board in MyRoster are filtered out by checking the activity revision status. | |
MyRosterShowUnpublishedActivities | Roster filter | This filter shows planned but unpublished activities on the Crew Roster. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
NameDocument | HR Document list | CMP | A default Name document must be specified, like ID or PASSPORT. Select a document from the dropdown list. If the user tries to create a new Human Resource and the namedocument is not set, the dialogue shows this in a label. Note: The save button is also disabled. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
NetReserveTypesViolation | False/True | HRE | Enable violations validation for Net Reserve Types during execution of Drop or Sap actions on Roster activities. |
NFP Sync Settings | Select from the dropdown | SCH | NFP Sync Settings. |
Field | Description | Image |
NFP Upload ALC mode |
| |
Crew Sign | Options are:
| |
Sync settings | ||
Sync Flights | ||
Upload Crew On Board | ||
Crew On Board use Assigned Rank | ||
Upload Cargo Load | ||
Upload STC and NFP Code | Specify the Service Type Codes. | |
Sync Crew List | ||
Replace Crew List and Document | ||
Upload License Document | Specify the document type. | |
Upload Email | ||
Email Type | Specify email type. | |
Crew Rank | Specify the different Crew Ranks. | |
Roster Designators for non active crew | Select the roster designators that apply to non active crew members, such as Positioning and Supernumerary. | |
HighMin Filter | E.g. Captains approved for right hand. | |
Sync MEL assignments | ||
Replace MEL assignments | ||
Sync actual flight data | ||
Sync actual times | ||
Sync actual Fuel data | ||
Upload Cancel Status | ||
Upload Group/Desk | ||
Replace Group/Desk |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
NocBaseUrl | URL | SYS | NOC base url. |
NocWebRelativeAddress | Web Address | SYS | NOC Web relative address. |
NotConflictedPathPattern | Numbers, Date/Time | Describes pattern for newly created conflicted files.
| |
OdataOtpDashboardSecKey | Security Key | SYS | Odata OTP dashboard security key. |
OnlyShowLegsInRosterGantt |
| GAN | Composition check is only performed according to the selection. Note: Composition check on affected only (fastest), only checks legs where a composition change is detected. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
OpenTimeAndTradeSettings | Transaction Codes | Settings for Open time and Tradeboard. Set transaction codes for different actions in Open time and Trade. |
Field | Description |
Premium Legal Exceptions | Select which legal exceptions are considered as premium, if an admin puts this legal exception on a pairing, it is highlighted in Open time with the color defined in the legal exception dialogue. The user also sees the name of the legal exception. This can be used as an incentive for crew to pick up uncovered pairings as the premium legal exception generates extra pay. |
Remove LE in drop/trade | Select which Legal exceptions are removed if a crew member drops or trades away an activity with a legal exception attached to it. |
Locked Roster Designators | Select which Roster Designators to use to lock a pairing to a crewmember. If an admin adds this Roster Designator to an assigned pairing the crew member assigned to the pairing is not able to drop the pairing back to Open time or trade it with another crew member |
Roster activity actions | Select which roster activity action is automatically applied when doing an action in Open time. |
Legality rules to ignore | If there is a rule that conflicts with Open time or trade, for example station conflict rule if the company is using the Twin Base concept. This can cause a trip to end in one base and the next trip to start in another base. If this is allowed, then the admin can decide to move the station conflict rule to rules to ignore. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
OriginalAccumulatedValuesSetup | Add / Delete, select | Defines which accumulated values are stored at the moment of publishing roster. A calculator for the original calculation must exist, and with the option Org.Accumulated ticked. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
PairingImportMode | Override / Merge | Defines pairing import mode using in Sleipner. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
PairingImportSettings | Select from the dropdown. | A Setup Setting for Online/Offline Flights Designators in Pairing Import in order for the user to define which designator that should be used for Online/Offline (P, D etc). |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
PairingModificationLegalityLabels | Rules | HRE | Configure legality labels used to show pairing information in Pairing Modification Wizard. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
ParsePXinMVT | False/True | Defines if PAX data is read from MVT messages. Note: If you have multiple passenger classes, this parameter should be set to False, and pax information should come from the LDM. | |
PassiveRosterDesignator | Roster Designators | Selects which roster designator is counted as passive. Note: This setting is used when building pairings. The pairing optimizer uses this Rosterdesignator when creating pairings with Passive connections. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
Passport document | HR Document list | Defines passport document type. | |
PasswordPolicy | Select, numbers | SYS | Specifies the password policy which must be met during password change or setting new password. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
PayrollDayNoteType | Note Type (select from the dropdown) | Payroll Day Note Type. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
PayrollDetailViewLineGuaranteeCalcNames | PayCreditDue, CURRENT_LINE_VALUE_WITH_MANUAL, CURRENT_LINE_VALUE | Defines which calculators are used to calculate Credit Time Due, FinalLG, and Line Guarantee (In this specific order). | |
PayRollExcludedHumanResources | e.g CRJTNG, ERJTNG | Defines the last name of users that are excluded from payroll (they are marked as not payable). Note: This can be later changed in Payroll Wizard. | |
PayrollFilterPaybuckets | Defines how calculated paybuckets in the admin grid in payroll are filtered. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
PayrollFlightInfo | Add / Delete, select | Defines which calculators are used for flight information in the payroll detail grid. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
PayrollFlightInfoPayrollGridFooter | Add / Delete, select | Defines which calculators are used for Flight information footer in payroll grid. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
PayrollLineTypeSpecialRoles | e.g. Registration, FOD, FlightDateWithYear | Defines which special roles short codes are used for determining Line Type. Note: This option is used in payroll wizard. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
PayrollMonthNoteType | Note Type (select from the dropdown) | Payroll Month Note Type. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
PayRollOfficeComment | N/A | PayRoll Office Note type. | |
PayrollPaybucketDisplayOrder | Add / Delete, select | Defines order of paybuckets in payroll admin grid and mobile.
Name | Value | Group | Info |
PayrollPublishedAcVersionCalcName | e.g. PublishedAcVersion | Defines which historical value labels are used for retrieving Scheduled aircraft versions. | |
PayrollSpecialRolesFilteringOption | e.g. NHFA, NHFD, CAMCR, CAM75, GIFA, GIFD, I, IOEFA | Defines which special roles are included in filtering options in Payroll Wizard. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
PayrollTransactionExportPeriodInMonths | Month | Defines the period for payroll export by setting the number of months. | |
PhoneLinkPrefix | e.g. SKYPE | Call out of N-OC by using Skype. | |
PhoneLinkSuffix | e.g. ?call | Call out of N-OC by using Phone. | |
PhoneValidationExpression | ^[+]?[0-9]*$ | SYS | Phone validation expression. |
PicusDesignator | Roster Designators | Designator used to specify PICUS flight. Pilot In Command Under Supervision. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
PolarisMappings | Select from the dropdown, toggle | Defines type of Polaris message for leg, if crew assigned to the leg has defined roster designator. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
PolarisThirdPartyRosterDesignator | Select from the dropdown. | Polaris Third Party Roster Designator. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
PreffixStandard | IATA, ICAO | SCH | The defined standard should be IATA or ICAO format. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
PromptAfterLastPasswordChange | Days | Shows prompt to change the password after setup days from the last password change. | |
PromptForRefresh | False/True | GAN | Informs whether carry out pairings (roster blocks) are released fully with:
PublishCarryOutRosterBlocksOnRosterRelease | True / False | ||
RaidoAPICacheSettings | API | Defines RaidoAPI cache settings. | |
RecalculateCheckInTimeOnScheduleChange | True / False | Recalculate check in time on schedule change when check in exists. | |
RecreateHotelBookingsOnRosterSaving | False/True | Specifies whether roster import from PBS should try to recreate hotel bookings. | |
ReportDefaultComChannel | REP | Default com channel for sending Reports. | |
RequestDayOffActivity | Reference Activities | REQ | Company reference activity that is a day-off request. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
RequestFilterShowCurrentRosterActitvites | Roster Filters | Filter that displays unpublished activities in Request dialogue. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
RequestFilterVacationTrainingUnpublished | Roster Filters | HRE | Filter to get Roster activities that clock Christmas vacations. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
RequestImportedNoteType | Note Type (select from the dropdown) | HRE | Note type that is imported from Request Comment. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
RequestPhCompActivity | REQ | Company reference activity that is Public Holiday Compensation request for display in Mobile. | |
RequestSaturdayOrSundayRestrictionOn | True / False | REQ | Saturday or Sunday (max 2) restriction in request module:
RequestSetup | Select from the dropdown | Setting to define what crew are able to do in request groups. |
Name | Value | Group | Info |
Requesttimeoffactivity | Reference Activities | REQ | Company reference activity that is a time-off request. |