Prerequisites: Before you proceed, make sure that you have first defined the following:
- Owner (Company)
- Prefix
- Aircraft Type
- Aircraft Version
Dependent prerequisites
The Aircraft dialogue window
Uplink Template
1. Specify the uplink template used for ACARS.
Note: The template is created in Integration Factory.
Create a template of Data Type “Vehicle” and syntax “AGM[CrLF]AN [RegistrationWithHyphen][CrLF]- ”
In this section, you can add load compartments for the aircraft. This is used for LDM messages.
In this section, you can add notes to an aircraft for a specified time period. The note will only be shown on the dates you have selected.
1. Add Note by entering a specified time period.
2. Then, choose a predefined Note Type.
3. Enter your note.
Note: Note Types can be edited or created by a user.
Refer to: See Editors – Company – Note Types
4. Click the Save button. The Saved note is indicated as a small triangle in the Aircraft box. As shown below in the Gantt (hoover Mouse over the triangle to display the note).
The user can define aircraft availability periods for the specified aircraft.
Example: The aircraft is available outside of the defined periods.
Here you can add photos to the aircraft.
Vehicle Document
Aircraft related documents can be stored and retrieved here.
1. Click on ‘New’ to create a new document.
2. Select the Document Type from the drop-down menu.
3. Then, insert details of the document.
Note: Document Types and their required fields can be defined in Editors > Aircraft > Documents
Document transactions
You can define the details of each transaction when updating the expiry dates and keep the history of the transactions.
1. For each document, go to the transactions tab and select “New”.
2. Then, for the given document you can define the transaction detail. Note: Before the document expires, you can add a new record to the transaction to reflect the renewal of the document.
Optional: Select documents you want to download as a zip file for the aircraft.
Here it is possible to add information about where the aircraft is based. You need to create a HUB base.
MEL - Minimum Equipment List
1. Enter the MEL details.
2. Click Add.
The note will be indicated in the lower part of the window.
Note: If you use valid from/valid to you will see a block on the gantt.
From this menu you can specify if the version of an aircraft changes.
Example: This will avoid the red version conflict frame