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Human Resources

This article reviews the Human Resources area:

There are multiple tabs in the Human Resources area. They are:

  • Compensation Days
  • Combine
  • Documents
  • Department
  • Notes
  • File Dir
  • HRBalance
  • General
  • Addresses
  • Emails
  • Phones
  • Bases
  • Rank/Qual
  • Special Roles
  • Contracts.


It is recommended to edit and create Human Resources in N-OC Web rather than N-OC Desktop. It is also recommended to only view specifics regarding human resources rather than creating or editing; this should be completed in N-OC Web.

EmpnoEnter the Employee Number. This is a mandatory field.
First NameEnter the employee's first name. Note: Apostrophes should be avoided. This is a mandatory field. 
Last NameEnter the employee's last name. This is a mandatory field. 
TypeThis is the Crew Type. New HR Types can be created through HR Types via Main Types. This is a mandatory field.

e.g. Pilot or Cabin
SeniorityThis is the employee's seniority number. This is an optional field.
BirthdateThis is the employee's date of birth. It is an optional field. It is used in various places for calculation purposes, such as a pilot over 60 years old and seniority.
Don't create a new userChecking this box only creates the human resource and not attach a USER to the resource. A user is required to give user permissions and log into the system independently.

After you have saved the General tab, it will change to this:

Set BRQ Valid To:This function sets the Base/Rank/Qual and special roles date to the same date.
Upload PictureIt is possible to upload a picture of the crew. For this, the file database needs to be enabled. This picture is also accessible to the crew in mobile provided that the user right “View crew pictures” is enabled for the crew user group.


PriorityPriority should correspond to your phone and other entries. It orders addresses by default.
TypeType as per defined in Address Types.
Valid To / Valid FromDefine these values for when they are valid for.
Street, Street Number, Zip, Cityname, StateEnter the associated information for the respective field.
CountrySelect country from dropdown list.
Distance to airportEnter the distance to airport. It can be km, miles, or minutes. Make sure it is consistent for all. This field is optional.
ActiveIf the address is to be used, check the box.
CommentEnter a comment if necessary.


EMailEnter the email address.
TypeType as per defined in email types.
PriorityPriority should correspond to your other entries.
Valid To / Valid FromDefine these values for when they are valid for.
ActiveIf the email is to be used, check the box.


PriorityPriority should correspond to your other entries. Only 1 priority appears in the Crew On Board information.
TypeType as per defined in Phone types.
Valid To / Valid FromDefine these values for when they are specified for.
Country Prefix, Region PrefixEnter the Country and Region prefix of the phone number.
Phone NumberEnter the rest of the phone number.
CommentEnter a comment if necessary.
ActiveIf the phone is to be used, check the box.


CrewbaseSelect base from dropdown list as per defined in Bases. Percent should always be 100.
ActiveIf the base is to be used, check the box.
Valid To / Valid FromDefine these values for when they are specified for.
SecondedCheck the Seconded checkbox if it is considered a second base.


Rank, QualSelect the Rank and Qualification from the respective dropdowns.
Valid To / Valid FromDefine these values for when they are specified for.
Additional InfoEnter a comment if necessary.
UprankCheck the Uprank checkbox if an employee can be upranked.

Example: A Flight attendant can uprank to the assigned rank of Lead Flight Attendant.
DownrankCheck the Downrank checkbox if an employee can be downranked.

Example: A Captain can downrank to the assigned rank of First Officer.

Special Roles

Special Role
Select the special role from the dropdown list.
Valid To / Valid FromDefine these values for when they are valid for.


Employment Dates
Set the employment dates.
AddClick the add button to add in new contracts.
ContractSelect a contract from the dropdown.
Valid To / Valid From
Define these values for when they are valid for.
SaveClick the SAVE button to commit the changes to the database.


Advanced Search
Use the advanced search to find the appropriate employee.
Selecting Multiple Employees
If you need to select several people that can be/cannot be combined, check them in the main dialog window.
Selecting a singular employeeIf you click a singular employee, you can add a comment, define the period, and make the employee combine/not combine.
Click the SAVE button to commit the changes to the database.


It is recommended to view documents in N-OC Desktop only. Refer N-OC Web help files for adding documents to a crewmember.


Identify which department the Human Resource is part of. This is an optional tab.


Valid To / Valid From
Define these values for when they are valid for.
Enter a note.
Note TypeSelect the Note Type from the dropdown list.
Click the SAVE button to commit the changes to the database.

File Dir

This feature is unavailable in N-OC Desktop.

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