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Viewing My Documents


Viewing My Documents 

In this topic, we will overview how to see the status of your documents. 

We estimate that this will take 1 minute to complete.

Detailed Explanation

Interaction 1 Click the Menu button.

You must be logged in to view documents that are specific to you. 

Interaction 2 Click the My Documents button.

You will need to navigate to the Human Resource page to see the My Documents button. 

Interaction 1 Click the Passport list item.

You can click any document to see the additional information associated with it. 

You can see if the data is correct and verify the passport information when it is selected. 

Interaction 1 Click the FEAT Training list item.

The expanded documents with additional information are created in HR Documents by your Administrator. Crew does not have access to set up their own HR Documents. 


Congratulations! You have successfully accessed your documents and reviewed their expired or current status.

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