The Dataholder (that stores semi-constant data in memory) supports multi-environments. This means that if a user modifies something in N-OC, it will be automatically refreshed in N-OC Mobile, Sleipner, etc. With this feature, N-OC can be installed on multiple servers and keep the Dataholder synchronized.
The setup dialog contains two new functions to reload the whole Dataholder:
- Reset Holder
- Reset All Holders.
Reset Holder
This will reset the holder on the N-OC Web instance that the user is currently connected to.
Reset All Holders
This will do the following:
- Reset the holder on the N-OC Web instance that the user is currently connected to.
- Automatically update all semi-constant data for all other installed back-office applications.
The following data is stored in the Dataholder. Any changes to them using the Grid/Dialog pages will generate a refresh message to other installations.
Activityfilter | HumanResourceFilters | RosterActivityFilters | VehicleEquipments |
AdHocEvents | HumanResources | RosterBlockFilters | VehicleFilters |
Bases | HumanResourcesResources | RosterDesignators | Vehicles |
Users | LegalExceptions | Runways |
CalendarDaylightSavingTime | LoadClasses | Seasons |
CalendarDays | VehicleTypes | ServiceTypeCodes |
CalendarTimeZones | NoteTypes | Setups |
CompanyActivityLegalExceptions | PeriodRules | SpecialRoles |
Complements | Periods | StationsAndTerminals |
Countries | Prefixes | StationsTaxiTimes |
CrewDocuments | Quals | Suffixes |
Curfews | Ranks | TraningSessionTypes |
Distances | ReferenceActivities | TurnAround |
HrTypes | ResourceSortings | VehicleAvailabilityList |