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General Navigation


General Navigation 

In this topic, we will overview the general navigation of N-OC Mobile. 

We estimate that this will take 3 minutes to complete.

Detailed Explanation

This is the login page for N-OC Mobile. Each airline will have their own unique URL for N-OC Mobile. Please contact your Administrator for this URL if you do not have it. 

Interaction 1 Click the Languages dropdown button.

The login details that you need to access the system are issued to you by email. For the purpose of this demonstration, we entered the credentials for you. 

Interaction 2 Click the English list item.

You can select the language that you prefer. 

Interaction 1 Click the Save check box.

The Save button allows you to save your credentials for future logins.

Interaction 2 Click the Login button.

If you have forgotten or need to change your password, the Change password feature allows you to do so. 

Interaction 1 Click the Information button.

Interaction 1 Click the Help button.

The Information button provides you with specific information about N-OC Mobile. Two features that will be important to you are the version number and the Help widget.

Interaction 1 Click the Close button.

When you click the Help button, the Help widget opens. This provides you with any information about N-OC that you may need to know. You can type in the Search field using keywords to find articles that provide imperative information about the product.

Interaction 1 Click the Back button.

Interaction 1 Click the Menu button.

Interaction 2 Click the second radio button.

To access different areas of N-OC Mobile, you can search through the menu. 

The top header of each page in the menu helps to categorize certain areas of N-OC Mobile by related function. 

Interaction 1 Click the Menu button.


Some features of N-OC Mobile may not be available to you as the Administrator in your airline has customized it. 

Interaction 1 Click the Log out button.


Congratulations! You have successfully logged in, learned the general navigation, and logged out.

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