Click the Dep button to access the Departure area.
To enter Departure time information for a flight and send out the related messages, right mouse click the flight leg and select the Dep icon. Note: the user cannot click the NEXT button until the delay code(s) have been added.
If "always Recalculate" is checked, you only need to enter the "Block Off" times. The system will calculate the TakeOff, Touchdown, and Block On based on the scheduled times and the default taxi times.
The sum of the delays is automatically calculated and checked against the total delay (Difference between STD and ATD). If it is not correct, the sum will be shown in red. The display order of the delay codes is controlled by the setup parameter DelayCodeFormatIATA.
Enter a SI info, it will be included in the MVT message. The note displays as a triangle on the top right side of the leg. Departed flights (aircraft off blocks) are shown on the Gantt in blue.
When you hold your mouse over the leg triangle, the note displays.
AD0236/0246 EA0331 AAE
SI SI goes here
Before you save, you get the option to view the message and edit the message receivers.
Mouse over the flight leg to see the tool-tip information displayed.
Note: The triangle colors are set up in NoteTypes. The note used is defined in Setup / iataSINoteType.
Company settings
The airlines can change the following settings in Editors > System > Setup. In this example, for delays between 1-5 minutes, the airline does not require a departure delay code to be entered in the departure window.