User rights
You need to have the user rights as shown below enabled in order to access User Groups.
It is possible to control the user rights on a very high level. The user rights are defined by a group. It can be for individuals or for a larger group. As soon as the group is created, you can link it to a user.
Accessing User Groups
Click the UserGroups button to access them.
Creating a New User Group
- Click the New button to create a new user group.
- Enter the user group name.
- Enter the email address.
- Check the Distribution box or Administrator box if necessary.
- Select the Active checkbox if the user group is to be used.
- Select a section of the N-OC system from the dropdown list.
- Check a functionality that will be available for this user group. You can also check permissions for user groups:
- create
- edit
- delete
- read.
- Enter Valid From/Valid To dates for each checked functionality.
- Set the priority to checked functionality if necessary.
Below are the field descriptions:
- Name: This field is mandatory.
- Email: This field is optional.
- Distribution group: It is used in voyage reporting, where the crew can send a "report" to this distribution group. It is mainly used to send reports. It can also be used to send free text info to (e.g. OCC).
- Administrator: Select if the group is an administrator. It will give higher privileges in the core system.
- Active: This can be checked on and off.
- System: N-OC is divided into 14 systems, which are individual areas from where user access can be controlled to a very detailed level.
- Reports: This section controls access to report creation.
- Rights: You can grant create, edit, delete, and read rights to each object.
- E.g.: You can have the right to Edit a Flight but no right to delete the flight.
- Note: For the buttons to be visible on the Gantt, you need to have Create and Edit rights.
- Valid From/To: This is a mandatory field. Per default the Valid from will be the current date-1. Valid to +20 years
- Priority: This Is used for N-OC Mobile. It is used to prioritize what will be shown first to the crew when they log in from the mobile.
- Filter: For some of the options, you can add an HR filter to limit the user to specific crew groups.
Note: A user group needs at least one selected item to make it active.
The contents of User Groups
- CAL - Calendar
- CMP - Company
- FAC - Factories
- GND - Ground
- HRE - Human Resources
- MISCMISC - Miscellaneous
- PLAC - Place
- SCHD - Schedule
- SYSM - System
- VEH - Aircraft