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Bulk Edit Wizard

From the Wizard, you can edit one or more crew at the same time through the Bulk Edit Wizard button:


NameEnter the Name of the filter.
Period RuleThis option filters the periods.
PeriodsEnter the released roster period.
FilterEnter the type of HR filter.
StatusThis is the status of the pay cycle. The options are:
  • Open
  • Crew Modified
  • Admin Modified
  • Approved for Remaining
  • Approved for Supplementary
  • Closed
  • Any.
Is PayableOptions are "Payable" and "Non-Payable".
RankThis derives from Ranks.
BasesThis derives from Bases.
Line TypeChoose the Line Type. The options are:
  • LR - Line Reserve
  • LH - Line Holder. 

The Line Type derives from Special Roles specified in Setup parameter: PayrollLineTypeSpecialRoles.
Special RolesThis derives from Special Roles specified in Setup parameter: PayrollSpecialRolesFilteringOption
QualificationsThis derives from Equipment Qualifications.
AddAdd a Pay bucket to the filter. Enter the operation (<, >, =) and a value.


Pay BucketSelect the Pay Bucket you want to edit and click the Add button.
DateThe date that shall be updated.
Office CommentThese are administrative comments. Select if you want to remove an old comment.
Overrule/AppendYou can overrule existing value and append to an existing value.
CommentYou can enter in a free-text office comment. This comment overrules the Office comment.
GenerateSelect the crew you want to change and click the Generate button.

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