The Schedule wizard is used to analyze, export, compare, and expand Schedule information.
This schedule information can be taken from:
- the Production folder (also known as the 'live' schedule environment)
- the 'Private' folders, which are commonly used for test or planning schedules.
The Schedule Wizard in the Web version can be found on the top of the schedule Gantt:
The user can:
- Select a data source
- Select a local stored file
- Select a date range (and optionally a filter). After click the LOAD button.
Information about the loaded flight legs then displays.
Click on to see a list of all flights.
The user can choose to export from a selection of formats.
Click the EXPORT button to save as a .sim file.
SSIM format:
SSM NEW format:
SSM RPL Format
The EDIFACT Format is not yet in use.
Template Creation and Storage:
Import - SSIM
Use Desktop for imports, see
Note: Cloud does not support merge of SSIM file
Compare - Not completed yet
Expand - Not completed yet
Analyze - Not completed yet