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Roster Move

The move function is used to search for crew with specific activities. This is selectable from the middle toolbar. 

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Clicking this button opens a dialogue with different options to search for crew matching the criteria on the Gantt.

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You can save your search criteria for later use. After you have defined your search parameters, click the SAVE button.  A window opens where you can define the name to be used for the template.


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You can filter on:

  • Period: Defined by “Valid From” and “Valid To”.The activities will be searched within this period. The crew properties will be assessed according to this period.
  • Base: Base(s) of the crew to be included in the search.
  • Rank: Rank(s) of the crew to be included in the search.
  • Qualifications: Qualification(s) of the crew to be included in the search.
  • Special Roles: Crew with the selected special roles will be included in the search.
  • Departments: Crew with the selected departments will be included in the search.
  • Team: Crew with the selected teams will be included in the search.
  • Name/Empno: The crew listed here will be included in the search.
  • Filter: HR Filter to be included in the search.

The above parameters are filters on the HR level. If more than one search criteria are added, this will be treated as a logical AND. 



Select the documents that will expire within the selected crew. (And within the selected period). For this specific parameter, it looks at the expiration date and not if the crew has a given document. This can be combined with the other HR-related filter parameters in the dialogue.

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Departure / Arrival

At an activity level, you can check for activities that either depart or arrive at the selected stations.

This can be combined with all other filter settings.


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Reference Activity

You can select the reference activities by activity code or reference activity group. This means that crew having these activities assigned will be marked. This can be combined with all other HR or Roster filter settings in this dialogue.


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Roster Filters

Instead of selecting specific reference activities, you can use a roster filter to select crew. It can also be combined with reference activities. Crew with assignments matching the roster filter will be marked.


Other roster activity-driven search criteria are Roster Designators and Legal Exceptions. You can make multiple selections. CTRL space will mark all or unmark selected.


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You can specify two calculators with conditions. For example, mark crew that have more than x hours of a given calculator in the selected period. The crew matching the criteria will be selected.


Below is a list of other search conditions. In theory, you can mix the different options, but it is not recommended as it will make the search too nested. You can make multiple selections. 



Find revision types. Crew having the selected active revision types in their schedule will be marked.


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Find legality violation types. Crew having the selected active violation types in their schedule will be marked.

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Violation level

Find legality violation level. Crew having the selected active violation levels in their schedule will be marked. 


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Transaction codes

Find transaction codes. Crew having the selected active transaction codes their schedule will be marked. 

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Crew with these note types in the search period will be selected.


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Find text in a note


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Moving a crew member to the top of the Roster Gantt

After the search criteria have been set, click the SEARCH button. Clicking the Select on search checkbox will select those crew members that fulfill the search criteria. Press the MOVE UP button to move the crew members that fulfill the search criteria to the top of the Roster Gantt.


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