Human Resources contains information about all employees of the company.
Search Human Resources
The main dialog window contains advanced search. You can search based on:
- Validity dates
- Base
- Rank
- Qualifications
- Special Roles
- Name
- Filter.
The validity dates are used to determine the actual base, rank, and qualification of the crew for the given queried period.
Search by Name or EmpNo: Type the name or employee number in the search field and click Search. The result will be displayed in the same dialog window.
To reset all configurations, click the Reset button. Check the "Show Active" box if you want to search for active profiles.
Creating a new profile in Human Resources
- Click the New button to create a new profile.
- Check Active if the profile is to be used.
- Check Don't create a new user checkbox if you do not need to create a user. This option automatically creates a user account, which enables access to the mobile application.
- Define HR Type (Pilot, Cabin, etc.)
- Define “Document name”. At this stage, you can only select the default document that is specified in Setup/Namedocument. The default document should be the one that all crew members have.
- Enter employee number EmpNo.
- Enter First Name and Last Name.
- Enter Comments if necessary.
Once the parameters are defined, click the OK button. The information is saved to the database and the new entry appears in the existing list of items.
To discard a new item prior to saving, select the Cancel button. The information will be removed and the window closed.
Editing an existing profile in Human Resources
All HR profiles can be edited using the following procedure.
To edit HR profiles, click the Edit button or click either on the employee number or ID.
If more than one HR profile needs editing, select the appropriate checkboxes. After clicking the Edit button, each item appears in a separate window and can be edited.
- Enter the Social security number.
- Enter HR shortcode 2 and nickname if necessary.
- Define birthdate and sex.
- In user groups, check the groups to which the employee belongs.
Deleting an existing profile in Human Resources
HR profiles that are no longer required can be deleted by clicking the Delete button. To delete multiple HR profiles, check the boxes of appropriate profiles and click the Delete button.
Note: This will remove all the records of this crew and won't be able to recover. This option is controlled by user permission in "User Groups" called "HR Full Delete".
Field descriptions and entering data into a user profile
EmpNo | Mandatory |
First name | Mandatory |
Middle Names | Optional |
Last Name | Mandatory |
SocialSecNumber | Optional |
HR.ShortCode1 | Optional |
HR.ShortCode | Optional |
Nickname | Optional |
BirthDate | Optional. Used various places for calculation. E.g., pilot over 60 years and seniority. |
Sex | Male / Female |
Relationship Status | See Relationships below |
Type | E.g., Pilot or Cabin. Come from HR Types |
Seniority | Number |
Set BRQ Valid To | Select an end date in the date picker and press the Set BRQ Valid to. This will change the end date for Base Rank and Qualification. Note: If the crew has been assigned activities after the end date, make sure that they are removed. This option is controlled by the user right "BRQ inactivation". |
SAVE SAVE & CLOSE | It will save the changes. In addition, it is possible to trigger an event that can send an email to e.g., the HR department. Create a template in the integration factory and link it to an event of type HR Save.
Upload Picture | It is possible to upload a picture of the crew. For this, the file database needs to be enabled. This picture will be also accessible to the crew in mobile provided the user right “View crew pictures” is enabled for the crew user group. |
On the bottom of the dialog window, there are icons for additional configuration and information as detailed below:
- Set the Priority.
- Type as defined in Phone Types
- Define Valid From/Valid To dates.
- Enter country and region prefix, and phone number.
- Enter additional info, if necessary, into the Comment input field.
- Check Active if the phone is to be used.
- Click the SAVE button to commit changes to the database.
- Priority should correspond to your phone and other entries.
- Type as defined in Address Types.
- Define the Valid From/Valid To dates.
- Enter the Street, Number, Zip, State, and City name.
- Select the Country from the dropdown list.
- Enter Distance to airport, it can be km, miles, or minutes, just make sure it is consistent.
- Enter any Additional Info if necessary.
- Check Active if the address is to be used.
- Click the SAVE button to commit changes to the database.
- Priority should correspond to your other entries.
- Type as per defined in email types.
- Define Valid From/Valid To dates.
- Enter Email address.
- Check Active if the email is to be used.
- Click the SAVE button to commit changes to the database.
- Select Base from dropdown list as per defined in Bases.
- Enter percentage for this base. Use 100 for this field.
- Define Valid From/Valid To dates.
- Check Seconded if it is considered as a second base.
- Check Active if the base is to be used.
- Click the SAVE button to commit changes to the database.
Private Stations
This option indicates that the crew has a private stay at this station and doesn’t need a hotel.
Legality will warn if a hotel is needed. If a private station is specified, you don't get the warning.
Note: If the crew changes main base, make sure that dates aren't overlapping.
Rank / Qual
- Select qualification (Qual) and Rank from the dropdown lists.
- Check Uprank if the crew can be upranked.
- Check Downrank if the crew can be downranked.
- Define Valid From/Valid To dates.
- Enter Additional Info if necessary.
- Click the SAVE button to commit changes to the database.
Specify which team the crew belongs, and if the crew is the team leader. Teams can be used as part of an HR Filter. There is no other functionality linked to teams.
Special roles
- Select "Special Role" from the dropdown list.
- Define Valid From/Valid To dates.
- Click the SAVE button to commit changes to the database.
- Set employment dates.
- Click Add to add new contracts.
- Select contract from dropdown lists.
- Define Valid From/Valid To dates.
- Click the SAVE button to commit changes to the database.
- Define Earned date and Earned time.
- Define compensation date and rule.
- Choose a reason from the dropdown list.
- Check Active if the compensation is to be used.
- Check Balance Increase or Balance Decrease if it's necessary.
- Use advanced search to find the appropriate employee.
- If you need to select several people that can be/cannot be combined, check them in the main dialog window.
- If you click definite employee, you can add a comment, define the period, and make employee combine/not combine.
- Click the SAVE button to commit changes to the database.
- At the top of the dialog window, you can check Show Active HR Doc.Types or Show Active HR Documents.
- Checked documents, click Add to add a document to the employee profile, and click Delete to delete documents.
- Checked documents can be activated or deactivated by clicking the appropriate buttons.
- By clicking the document, you can review the issue date and add comments in Document Types. Depending on the definitions of the document, more or less properties will be visible for editing in this tab.
In Transactions, you can review and change Valid from, Expiry, and check date. Edit mode opens after clicking the item.
Department is a kind of cost center.
HR Note
- Define Valid From/Valid To dates.
- Enter a note.
- Select Note Type from the dropdown list.
- Click the SAVE button to commit changes to the database.
This Note is of type Humanresource.
File Dir.
From this option, you can upload the crew documents into N-OC. Some conditions have to be met:
- Crew must have the document in DOCUMENTS (see above).
- HR Documents must have "Document Upload" Checked.
- Setup parameter "Uploadfilepath" must be set.
Note: The documents are stored in a special files database, which is not installed by default. Please contact NAVBLUE Support if you want to use this option and the file server hasn't been enabled.
View the document
Click the Eye to access the document.
A fast way to access the document is to right-click on the crew on the left side of the screen.
Update the document
To edit a document point on the document until you see the EDIT list item. Once clicked, a new dialogue opens.
Choose the file with the new document and click the UPDATE button.
Enter information about children.
The status will be shown in the main HR window.
Enter the type of family relationship.
Valid to defaults to 31Dec99.
The status shows in the main HR window.
Human Resource Balance
This table shows the vacation balance as calculated by the Balance rules.
- Current: Calculated from the balance rule.
- Last: Balance transferred from last year.
- Saved: Saved to next year.
- Saved to use: Days saved from preceding years, to be awarded this year.
- Extra: Extra days earned.
- Awarded: Vacation awarded this vacation period.
- External: Days imported from an external system.
You can edit:
- Previous year - From last year.
- Saved - Saved to next year.
- Extra - Extra days earned.
Once the required amendments have been made click the SAVE or SAVE & CLOSE button to commit the changes to the database. To discard changes, click the CANCEL button.