You can access Net reserves quotas list item:
Net reserve quotas are defined as part of the Open Time request process, where the airline can define the necessary net reserve/standby availability to allow a pairing to get dropped. Each Open Time request group needs to have one reserve quota.
Select a Period and which Base, Rank, and Qual of the crew that will be affected by the set net reserve quotas. Set it to be Active. Deactivate old ones to not see them in other dialogues that use net reserve quotas, such as “Net Reserve Grid”.
Enter the Quotas per day in the grid.
Note: The Period and Base, Rank, and Qual together are unique in the database and cannot have duplicates.
When you populate Quotas with new values, you can use the arrows in row one to populate the grid with the values that are on the same weekday from a value on the first weekday.
You can also populate the whole grid with one value by pressing the arrow after the filter dropdown after the first input field is populated or if you are using Net Reserve Sub-Types, then you can specify a reserve quota for each of these types.
Select each type and click the ADD button.
The added new reserve types will be visible on a tab in the net reserve quota dialogue. You can define the thresholds for each of the types.
Note: When not using new reserve subtypes, you need to define the reference activities that are to be considered in the quota calculator in Setup/ReserveReferenceActivities.