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Turnaround Rules

You can across the Turnaround rules through this list item:


Turnaround rules are used for different purposes in N-OC, such as:

  • to check the turnaround times between flights,
  • to create a turnaround flight,
  • it is used by the Tail Optimizer.

To search for Turnaround Rules:

  1. In the Search field, type Turnaround Rule. 
  2. The rules are read in the order of priority they are set. 
  3. Double click a rule to open it.

The following fields are present for each rule:

  • Previous Arrival Filters - This represents the previous arrival leg filter.
  • Next Departure Filters - This represents the next departure filter.
  • Valid From/To - The period the turnaround rule is valid for. 
  • Minute - Set the length of the turnaround.
  • Frequency Set the day of week.
  • Priority - The system will filter the priority until it finds a match. If exceptions from the standard turnaround time are set, they should have a higher priority than the standard. This is a mandatory field. 


How to set up a new standard Turnaround Rule

First, set up a Leg Filter for the Turnaround Rule. For this, go to Leg Filters and create the required filters.

Turnaround times are then set in the dialog box 'Turnaround Rule' using the created filters. To connect turnaround rules to a specific fleet, station, etc., the user must create filters telling the system what parameters should be used for each turnaround.


Examples of filter settings include:

  • all flights,
  • a specific aircraft type,
  • a specific station,
  • a specific aircraft type and station,
  • a specific departure/arrival station,
  • a specific departure/arrival country.

Once you have defined your leg filter, use these leg filters in the dialogue.

In the Gantt, when you point on the station code in between the flights, you will see the turnaround time. 

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